Untitled Country Review

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Untitled Country Review is closed to submissions. When open, we seek evocative (and provocative) poetry that effectively and eloquently reconciles the two (seemingly at-odds) terms in the journal's title. In other words, we are interested in poetry that is at once challenging and accessible, poetry that matters.

When we are open for submissions, we ask that you submit one (1) poem with a brief (<50 word) bio using the online manager. Send your best work. Note that although the call for submissions may indicate a theme or tentative title, we are interested in reading work that interprets the theme loosely and uses it as a springboard for exploring other concepts or images. By submitting your poetry you consent to having it published and archived here, provided it has not been published elsewhere, and you agree to inform us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere. Before publishing your work we will ask for your email confirmation, including a statement that the writing is your own. There is no payment and all rights revert to the author after first time appearance here. If your work is reprinted, we ask that you credit Untitled Country Review with first publication.

un·ti·tled (n-ttld) adj.
1. Not named: an untitled story.
2. Not holding a title, as of nobility.
3. Having no right or claim.
4. Cannot be bought, sold, or transferred for monetary gain (or loss)
coun·try (kntr) n. pl. coun·tries
1. a. A nation or state; b. The territory of a nation or state; c. The people of a nation or state; populace 2. The land of a person's birth or citizenship 3. A region, territory, or large tract of land distinguishable by features of topography, biology, or culture. 4. An area or expanse outside cities and towns; a rural area
Thank you for visiting. We look forward to reading your work.

Updated February 28, 2013
Untitled Country Review